Now there were already three boats offering rides on the Riga Canal. With tourism improving the demand was only increasing and we started to think about the fourth boat. But it was expensive to buy it in the U.S., bring it to Latvia and rebuild it. That is why the risky decision of building it here was made. We had no experience that could help with the process, we searched for information on the Internet and the documentation and drawings of DARLING were found by accident in an English company Selwoy Fisher Designe that sold them to us. It turned out that the Engelbrecht Yacht Plant, where DARLING was built, was bombed during World War II, but the company’s documentation was taken to England. That is how it was possible to find the drawings with the help of the century turn and modern technologies. The construction of a DARLING replica began, but during the building process certain corrections were made and the new boat did not turn out as an exact replica, however that might be a good thing, because every boat has its own history and look. That is how our LAIMA was made.
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